Additional Dog License Types

Ohio law has provisions for several other dog license types. All license types must be renewed yearly during open enrollment, December 1 to January 31, or face penalty equal to the amount of the license, unless otherwise specified.

Police K-9 License

Law enforcement canine's also need to have a registered license each year. A certificate by the agency indicating how the dog is being used, is required.

Fee $0

Photo of brown and white dog with blue collar advertising Cuyahoga dog Licenses.

Trouble with registration?

(216) 525-7877

Kennel License

Anyone operating a business that breeds and sells dogs must obtain a kennel license each year. Up to 5 tags are included with the registration.

Fee $100, additional tags $1 each.

Service License

Ohio Assistance Dog - Permanent Registration are for trained assistance dogs. Owners must provide a certificate of training, or other proof, that the dog has completed training to assist the owner.

This is a permanent registration, and credentialing is only done once per the life of the dog.

Fee: $0

Note, this license type does not apply to emotional support animals.

Transfer of Ownership

If your licensed dog is changing owners, you will need to file a transfer of ownership form.

Fee $5

Replacement Tags

Lost your dog's tag? No problem! You can order a replacement for a current license online through the portal or mail in an application.

Fee $5