Dog Licenses
Licensing your dog is the best way to protect your pet while also helping the dogs at CCAS! There are 3 simple ways to purchase your license:
The fastest and easiest way to get your dog license is to buy online through the dog license portal. You can update you and your dog's records, as needed.
Buy Now!Want to have your tag in hand immediately? Shop one of our neighborhood reseller locations.
License Reseller LocationsWhy License?
Licenses save lives
Fees from dog licenses go directly to the operation of the shelter and our animal control efforts in Cuyahoga County.
Reuniting loved ones
When your dog's license is attached to his collar we are able to easily reunite you and your lost pet.
Longer Stay
Dog with a current year license are held at the shelter for 14 days for their owner to reclaim instead of the minimum stray hold, 72 hours.
Legal Registration
Much like your car, your dog license registration gives you legal ownership of your dog, should they ever be stolen.
It's Ohio law
Ohio law requires all owners to license their dog yearly, or face penalties and possible citations.
Trouble with registration?
Valley View, Ohio 44125

When to buy a License?
Open enrollment is yearly from December 1 through January 31. Purchasing your license after January 31 of the year is subject to a penalty double the amount of the license.
New in town?
You have 30 days to buy your dog a license without penalty.
How much is a License?
There are three dog license options. Regardless of the time of year you buy, your license is valid until the end of the year for the term:
- 1 Year - $20
- 3 Year - $60
- Permanent - $200
- Penalty for late license purchase - $20
Dog License FAQ's
Ohio law states that any dog license not purchased between December 1 and January 31 is equal to penalty double the amount of the license.
There is no provision in the law to waive the penalty for extenuating circumstances.