What to do when you have lost or found a dog

I've lost my dog

Report Your Lost Dog

Dog Leash

This happens to many people, at one time or another. Stay focused and don’t give up!

 Take immediate action!

Most pets are found within 1 mile of their home inside the first 24 hours. Grab a few people and get out and hit the pavement! Don’t assume your pet has been stolen.

 Complete a lost report

File a lost report.

 Make the call

Call your non-emergency police or local Animal Control. Report your pet lost, give a description of your pet, it's name, where it was last seen, and how to reach you if found. Call back frequently as shifts change and you don't want your information lost in the shuffle.

 Use our community tool

Most communities have their own animal control to pick up stray dogs in their community. Use our directory to know who to contact first and where to find your dog.

Live on the border of two cities? Contact them both.

 Get online

  • Look at dogs in our care for your pet.
  • Visit Petco Love Lost and upload a photo of your pet. Petco will use facial recognition to scour local shelters for a match.
  • Post on social media pages and let the community know you're looking for a lost pet and how to reach you.

 Spread the word

  • Create a lost flyer with Petco Love Lost
  • Hang flyers in your neighborhood for families not online who may be missing a pet in the area. Include where the dog is located so they can be reunited.
  • People who've lost their pet will often contact local veterinary clinics, share your flyers with them too.

 Update microchip information

If your pet has a microchip, ensure your contact information is up to date. Not sure how to do that? Look up your chip company using the AHAA microchip tool. Is your chip not registered? Share it with us for free!

 Visit local shelters & clinics

As shelters we do our best to reunite pets and families, but large volumes of animals in our care make it crucial for pet owners to follow up. You know your pet better than anyone.

Local veterinary clinics may have stray animals turned in, share your flyers with them too.

I've found a dog

Report A Found Dog

pup in road

Thanks for helping an animal in need!

Complete a found report

File a found report.

Walk the neighborhood

Most pets are found within 1 mile of their home. Walk the pet around the neighborhood and see if anyone recognizes the pet. The owner may not immediately know their pet has slipped away from home.

Don’t immediately assume the pet was abandoned and decide to keep it as your own or rehome it.

Ohio law requires you to post notice of the animal if you do not turn it over to animal control, to follow state stray hold regulations.

Identification Check

Check the pet's collar for a dog license, pet nametag, or any other identification. You can take the pet to any animal shelter, veterinary clinic, or pet store to have it scanned for a microchip.

Make the call

  • Call your non-emergency police or local Animal Control. Report the pet found, and turn in pet to the proper agency.
  • Use our community tool directory for local numbers. Pets are more likely to be reunited with their owners when turned into the city in which they were found.

Get online

  • Check for postings for lost pets.
  • Visit Petco Love Lost and upload a photo of the found pet. Petco will use facial recognition to scour postings for a match.
  • Post on social media pages and let the community know you've found a pet, where it was found, and where the pet is now.

Spread the word

  • Create a found flyer with Petco Love Lost 
  • Hang flyers in your neighborhood for families not online who may be missing a pet in the area. Include where the dog is located so they can be reunited.
  • People who've lost their pet will often contact local veterinary clinics, share your flyers with them too 

Helpful Resources

Report Your Lost Pet button
License Your Dog!

Licensing your dog is the best way to protect your pet while also helping the dogs at CCAS!

Purchase a License